This is NOT the website for Bodyfokus
If your enquiry is for BODYFOKUS I cannot help
I teach exercise, I do NOT sell pills
Welcome to BodyFocus
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BodyFocus: General and Specialised exercise classes for people with health conditions
Operating in the South East Hampshire area (Waterlooville, Denmead, Hayling Island, Rowlands Castle, Horndean) BodyFocus provides a range of specialised exercise classes for people with various health conditions as well as some general fitness classes and exercise programmes. We always have a lot of fun so if you are looking for a one-to-one or a group exercise class that is also sociable and fun please take some time to look through these pages.
If you can't find what you are looking for or you need some help or advice, please get in touch with no obligation. Contact us
Hayling Island Healthy Hearts Cardiac Rehab Group - Red Nose Wednesday
Whether you are new to exercise or used to exercising on a regular basis, there is a programme for you. Your personal safety and well being is our concern and classes are taught by an experienced, appropriately trained and qualified teacher.